Celler Petit Duran



Located in Sant Martí de Maldà (Lleida), and with a centuries-old tradition, the Celler Petit Duran has resumed the production and aging of quality wines in 2011, with the designation of Origin Costers del Segre and the ecological production of all production.

We are the Mestres Petit family and since 1895 we have been producing oils and wines from generation to generation. Our project currently is based on the respect for the territory and the rural world, healthy eating, ecology, sustainability, respect for diversity and universal accessibility.

Thanks to the care and dedication of our ancestors, we currently have centuries-old vineyards located in clayey calcareous soils that allow us to make 4 organic wines that express the essence of our territory (Clarors, Mercedes, Fogonussa and the Blue Not).

Our philosophy is based on the care of the vines from the beginning. Through the practice of organic farming and manual harvesting, we select the best grapes to make very special wines with character.

The aim is to create a new experience, from the unique environment of the Vall del Corb, combining the freshness of the marinade with the strength of the lands around us, and obtaining a unique product, healthy, respectful with the environment and accessible to everyone.

Project strengths:

  • We produce organic wines from the D.O. Costers del Segre.
  • We control all the steps of winemaking, as 100% of the product comes from our own vineyards that we can take care of all year round.
  • We are committed to manual harvesting, in order to guarantee a better conservation of the grapes and a wine with more nuances.
  • We offer tastings and visits to get to know and taste live the products of the land.
  • We guarantee universal accessibility by labeling our products in Braille and allowing online shopping with screen readers used by the visually impaired.
  • We offer a wine and oil tourism proposal combining wine and oil tastings with a stay at Mas Fogonussa, our tourist accommodation located in the middle of 5 hectares of ecological vineyards.

Centennial tradition

Costers del Segre Designation of Origin

Ecological production

Based on 49 reviews
Laura Sesé
Laura Sesé
La Sara es la canya!!!! Bona visita, millor guia i requetemillor vi!!!!!
pep sope
pep sope
Vins molt bons. I amb les sàvies i alhora simples, amenes i molt encertades explicacions de la Sara, la perspectiva de tot canvia en positiu. Recomanable
Jaume Serrallonga
Jaume Serrallonga
És la meva primera cata de vins i ho he trobat increïble! Moltes gràcies i moltes felicitats per la feina que feu!!
Xavi Ortega
Xavi Ortega
Molt bona experiencia aquest dissabte. Cata molt completa i maridatge excel.lent, conduit per la Sara. Molt recomanable, hi tornarem !
Joaquin Lloret
Joaquin Lloret
Excel.lent acollida i gran coneixement dels seus vins per part de la Sara. Experiència a repetir!
Una experiència molt satisfactòria! Molt recomanable i vins molt bons!
Núria Mestre Orriols
Núria Mestre Orriols
La visita al celler familiar i el tast de vins han estat excel.lents. Sara, la mestressa, ens ha donat unes explicacions molt acurades. Tracte fabulós. Molt recomanable conèixer aquest petit tresor!
Lluís Padró Cirera
Lluís Padró Cirera
Una cata excel·lent, un lloc encantador, una amfitriona genial. Moltes gràcies per tot!
Maria Neus Edo
Maria Neus Edo
Un celler petit però molt cuidat. L’atenció de la propietària és exquisida. Un tracte amable i atent fa que l’experiència sigui inoblidable. Val la pena recolzar la gent que s’estima la terra.
Nil Bellmunt
Nil Bellmunt
Excel•lent tracte rebut per la Sara amb la qual hem pogut gaudir de la cata del bon vi que fa el celler. Han servit els vins acompanyat de tapes de productes de proximitat adequats per a cada vi. Molt recomanable!